Joint ESAB-SKB Webinar     Biomanufacturing
26 April 2024, 10-12.30 h CEST

10.00-10.30 Dr. Michael J. O’DONOHUE, INRAE & IBISBA, Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, Toulouse, France              
Title: Biotechnology and biomanufacturing: core elements of Europe’s industrial future?
10.30-11.00 Dr. Manfred Kircher, KADIB, Frankfurt am Main, Germany     Title: Whole-Cell Catalysis: Processes, Products, and Markets
11.00-11.30 Dr. Anne Timm, CEO INOFEA AG, CH-4132 Muttenz, Switzerland      
Title: Tailor-Made Enzyme Solutions for Production Processes of Nucleic Acids and Bioconjugation
11.30-12.00 Jean-Louis Roux Dit Buisson, MSc., MBA, Founder and CEO NeoCarbons, CH-8117 Fällanden, Switzerland          
Title: Bio green scope 3 entrants, the role of light induced processes, NeoCarbons technology, results, and prospects
12.00-12.30 Marit Hvithamar Rystrøm, Leading Senior Advisor, European Biosolutions Coalition  
Title: Aims and ambitions of the European Biosolutions Coalition using Denmark as a case study

ESAB-SKB Webinar  Biocatalysis and Molecular Medicine
27 October 2023, 14-16 h CEST

14.00-14.30 Prof. Dr. Jane Endicott, Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK                  
Title: One fold, many functions: Structural insights into the cyclin family
14.30-15.00 Dr. Christine (Shih-Ting) Wang, Koch Institute of Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA        
Title: Engineering Synthetic Biomarkers for Multiplexed Disease Diagnostics
15.00-15.30 Prof. Dr. Manuel Ferrer, Systems Biotechnology Group, Department of Applied Biocatalysis, Instituto de Catalisis y Petroleoquimica (ICP), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cien-tificas (CSIC), 28049-Madrid, Spain            
Title: Unlocking the Microbiome as a Screening Tool for Cancer Prevention
15.30-16.00 Dr. Mara Boenitz-Dulat, SubChapter Lead Enzyme Development, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, DSRRE / ETC, 82377 Penzberg / Germany            
Title: Powerhouse Enzymes


Industrial Biocatalysis - Moving forward Step by Step towards a Resilient and Sustainable Bioeconomy
Date/Time: Monday 18 September 2023, 11.00-12.40 h
Venue: Room M4, ECCE/ECAB Conference 2023, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
11.00-12.00  Lectures, chaired by Prof. Dr. Roland Wohlgemuth
11.00-11.30   Dr. Gregory Arnal, Carbios, France        
Title: PET recycling: from enzyme and process optimization to an industrial plant
11.30-12.00   Dr. Sebastian Schätzle, Enzymicals, Greifswald, Germany            
Title: Advancing industrial biocatalysis – an SME’s perspective on process development
12.00-12.40  Panel Discussion, chaired by Dr. Karsten Schürrle    Participants: Dr. Gregory Arnal, Dr. Sebastian Schätzle, Prof. Dr. Roland Wohlgemuth

Dialogplattform "Holzbasierte Bioökonomie Schweiz"

Am 05. Juni 2023 trafen sich Expert:innen aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, um den ersten Entwurf des Positionspapiers «Schweizer Holzbasierte Bioökonomie» zu diskutieren, welches gemeinsam mit S-WIN - Swiss Wood Innovation Network, SATW – Schweizerische Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften & SKB – Schweizer Koordinationsausschuss für Biotechnologie erarbeitet wird. (mehr...)

4th CCBIO Symposium on Industrial Biocatalysis, 8th June 2023, ZHAW Wädenswil, Switzerland

4th CCBIO Symposium on Industrial Biocatalysis, 8th June 2023, ZHAW Wädenswil, Switzerland

Program – Thursday, June 8th, 2023

08.30 Registration and welcome coffee

09.00 Welcome to the ZHAW, news and outlook

           Prof. Dr. Christian Hinderling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (CH)

09.15 De novo enzyme cascades for organic synthesis

          Prof. Dr. Sabine Flitsch, University of Manchester (UK)

09.45 Emergent approaches for fluorine biocatalysis

          Prof. Dr. Pablo Iván Nikel, Technical University of Denmark (DK)

10.15 Flavin-dependent enzymes and their remarkable properties and applications

          Prof. Dr. Florian Rudroff, Vienna University of Technology (AT)

10.45 Developing enzymatic platforms for direct nitration reactions

          Prof. Dr. Mélanie Hall, University of Graz (AT)

11.15 From early phase to full scale manufacturing, an overview of biocatalysis

          at Novartis Pharma

          Dr. Thierry Schlama, Novartis Pharma AG (CH)

11.45 Networking lunch and exhibition

13.15 Designer enzymes featuring abiological catalytic sites

          Prof. Dr. Gerard Roelfes, University of Groningen (NL)

13.45 Identifying and engineering halogenases for selective catalysis

          Prof. Dr. Jared Lewis, Indiana University Bloomington (US)

14.15 Innovating metalloenzymatic catalysis by introducing new chemistry to biology

          Prof. Dr. Xiongyi Huang, John Hopkins University (US)

14.45 Coffee and exhibition

15.30 Methyltransferases in the chemoenzymatic synthesis of pyrroloindols

          Prof. Dr. Jörg Pietruszka, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (DE)

16.00 Artificial cofactors for redox biocatalysis

          Prof. Dr. Caroline Paul, Delft University of Technology (NL)

16.30 Biocatalysis@Scale: Process development in biocatalysis

          Dr. Christian Willrodt, BASF SE (DE)

17.00 Closing remarks

          Dr. Hans-Peter Meyer, HES-SO and Expertinova AG (CH)

          Aperitif & Farewell

Chair: Prof. Dr. Roland Wohlgemuth, Lodz University of Technology (PL)
SATW Jahreskongress 2023: «Versorgungssicherheit – technische Souveränität» (17.05.2023, Zürich)

Corona, Klimawandel, Krieg in der Ukraine. Verschiedene Krisen in letzter Zeit, die immer noch andauern, haben gezeigt, dass es nur wenig braucht, um die «Just in time»-Maxime ins Stolpern zu bringen. Es stellen sich wichtige Fragen darüber, wie es um unsere Versorgungssicherheit in vielen Bereichen steht und wie technisch souverän die Schweiz sein sollte. Dabei ist die Technik sehr oft sehr stark gefragt.

Am SATW-Jahreskongress suchen wir Antworten. Einerseits für «Energie»: So hat das Szenario einer Strommangellage Fragen rund um Versorgungssicherheit beim Umbau des Energiesystems in der Schweiz wieder vermehrt in den Fokus gerückt. Wie steht es um diese im Bereich Energieversorgung? Wie können wir diese kurz- und langfristig verbessern? Ist dies überhaupt nötig? Und anderseits für «Daten – künstliche Intelligenz»: Wie technisch souverän kann die Schweiz sein? Welche Abhängigkeiten von internationalen Playern müssen wir eingehen?

Seien Sie dabei. Der SATW-Jahreskongress richtet sich an Fachleuten aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und von Behördenseite und ist kostenlos.

SATW-Jahreskongress 2023
Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2023 | Google, Europaallee 36, Zürich

Joint ESAB-SKB-DECHEMA Webinar on Bioeconomy and Sustainability

Friday 28 April 2023 at 05.00-07.00 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), 07.00-09.00 Central Standard Time (CST), 08.00-10.00 Eastern Standard time (EST), 13.00-15.00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 14.00-16.00 Central European Time (CET), 20.00-228.00 China Standard Time (CST), 21.00-23.00 Japan Standard Time (JST).

2nd ESAB-SKB Webinar on Biocatalysis and Molecular Medicine

This 2nd edition of the Webinar on Biocatalysis and Molecular Medicine is again jointly organized by SKB and ESAB and is part of the SKB-Project Biocatalysis and Molecular Medicine, the start of which in 2022 has been supported by the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences (SATW). The times on Friday 24 February 2023 are 07.00-09.00 Central Standard Time (CST), 08.00-10.00 Eastern Standard Time (EST), 13.00-15.00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 14.00-16.00 Central European Time (CET), 20.00-22.00 China Standard Time (CST), 21.00-23.00 Japan Standard Time (JST).

PROGRAMME Friday 24 February 2023

14.00-14.30 CET   The use of systems biology in treatment of liver diseases

Prof. Dr. Adil Mardinoglu, Centre for Host-Microbiome Interactions, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, King's College, and Guy's & St Thomas' Hospitals, London, UK                                                

14.30-15.00 CET   Defining and Controlling the Molecular Behavior of Human                                         Cytosolic Sulfotransferases

Prof. Dr. Thomas S. Leyh, Microbiology and Immunology, The Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA                                                                                                      

15.00-15.30 CET   Enzymes in microbiomes and diseases: SARS-CoV-2, cancer,                                       ageing and obesity as study cases  

Prof. Dr. Manuel Ferrer, Systems Biotechnology Group, Department of Applied Biocatalysis, Institute of Catalysis and Petroleochemistry, CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS, 28049 Madrid, Spain    

15.30-16.00 CET   Contextualization of Molecular Network Models and their                                           Application to Cancer Biology

Prof. Dr. Thomas Sauter, Department of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Luxembourg, L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

Further details can be found at the link:

ESAB-SKB Webinar Biocatalysis and Molecular Medicine

Friday 29 July 2022 at 10-12 a.m. Central European Time (CET), 5-7 p.m. China Standard Time (CST), 6-8 p.m. Japan Standard Time (JST).

10:00 - 10:30 CEST   Critical mechanisms in the pathogenesis of persistent bacterial infections

Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Meyer, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Department of Molecular Biology, Berlin, and Laboratory of Infection Oncology, Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Christian Albrecht’s University of Kiel and University Hospital Schleswig Holstein – Campus Kiel, Germany

10:30 - 11:00 CEST  Mucopolysaccharidoses - molecular mechanisms and treatment options of disorders caused by defects in biocatalysis of glycosaminoglycan decay

Prof. Dr. Grzegorz Wegrzyn, Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdansk, Wita Stwosza 59, 80-308 Gdansk, Poland

11:00 - 11:30 CEST  Biocatalysis in Cells through Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs): How to Improved Cell Permeability and Achieve Successful Protein Degradation

Prof. Dr. Leonardo Scapozza, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Western Switzerland, University of Geneva, Switzerland

11:30 - 12:00 CEST  The use of systems biology in treatment of liver diseases

Prof. Dr. Adil Mardinoglu, Science for Life Laboratory, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, and Centre for Host-Microbiome Interactions, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom

Further details can be found at the link:


2nd Japan-Switzerland-Germany Workshop on Biocatalysis and Bioprocess Development, 5-8 September 2021, Monte Verita, Switzerland


We are very happy to welcome you to Switzerland for the 2nd edition of this Trinational Workshop on Biocatalysis and Bioprocess development. The workshop will bring together renowned researchers in an inspiring environment to discuss recent advances and future directions of the field and will provide participants with unique opportunities for scientific knowledge exchange. We expect an exciting program covering cutting-edge topics of biocatalysis and bioprocess development in the areas of novel enzymes, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, sustainable chemistry, whole-cell biocatalysts development, enzyme development and engineering, cascade reactions and applied biocatalysis.

We look forward to welcoming you to an exciting workshop.

The Organizing Committee

Joint US-European Webinar on Biocatalysis and Bioeconomy Education

August 16th 2021, 16.00-18.00 CEST, organized by ESAB/SKB/DECHEMA/ GBS2020

How to shape education for a sustainable bioeconomy?

Interfacing Industry requirements, Megatrends and Bioeconomy Education: Top-down and bottom-up movers and drivers

Welcome Address: Willi Meier DECHEMA, Frankfurt
Chairs: Jan Lucht, SKB, scienceindustries, Zurich; Karsten Schuerrle, DECHEMA, Frankfurt; Roland Wohlgemuth, Lodz University of Technology, SKB, ESAB Chair

Programme / Speakers:                         

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Bommarius, Georgia Tech, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Lutz, Codexis, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Blake A. Simmons, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory & JBEI, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Jennifer Littlechild, ESAB, University of Exeter, UK
  • Prof. Dr. Volker Sieber, Technical University of Munich, Germany

Download PDF Flyer


Registration for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Industrial Biocatalysis - 3rd CCBIO Thursday, 10 June 2021, ZHAW Wädenswil, Switzerland, online

Biocatalysis has become a vibrant scientific discipline with an increasing number of industrial applications emerging in recent years. Products manufactured by enzymatic transformations are used in the food, feed, chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and the number of compounds produced using biocatalysts is expected to increase further. Future innovations in biocatalysis will be fueled by close cooperation between experts from chemistry, micro-and molecular biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics and engineering.

In a transdisciplinary environment, the 3rd CCBIO Symposium on Industrial Biocatalysis will provide a platform for scientific knowledge transfer and dialogue for participants from industry and academia and bring together renowned researchers to discuss recent advances and future directions of the field. The symposium will cover cutting-edge topics of biocataly-sis, ranging from the evolution of synthetically valuable enzyme families, genetic code expansion and the design and optimization of artificial enzymes, to the development of computational approaches for enzyme engineering. In addition, the symposium will feature several successful biocatalysis examples from industry.
The Competence Center of Biocatalysis at the ZHAW, lead by Prof. Dr. Rebecca Buller, promotes biocatalysis as a complementary method to classic organic synthesis and aims to help bridge the gap between academic laboratories and the production plant. By connecting relevant research competencies CCBIO strives to develop a comprehensive biocatalytic toolbox consisting of enzyme libraries and methods, which will facilitate the development of biocatalytic and biosynthetic processes for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

Depending on the development of the current Covid 19 pandemic, the 3rd Industrial Biocatalysis Symposium will be either held as an on-site meeting or virtually. The decision on the venue will be announced in April 2021 on the website and Following this decision, invoices will be sent out with the applicable amount.
Participants (on-site / online) CHF 150.- / CHF 100.-

Registration: Online registration:
E-Mail: , The registration deadline is June 4th, 2021
Contact: Mrs. Marianne Schenker, Tel. +41 58 934 59 41 , EMail:
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences; School of Life Sciences und Facility Management
Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology; Einsiedlerstrasse 31, P.O. Box, 8820 Wädenswil/Switzerland

Global Bioeconomy Summit GBS2020

At the Global Bioeoconomy Summit GBS2020, which took place 16-20 November 2020 and was done online instead of a physical meeting in Berlin, the Swiss Coordination Committee Biotechnology has been an organization institution of the Workshop on How to shape education for a sustainable bioeconomy? in Track 1: Science and Innovation.

1st Japan-Switzerland-Germany Workshop for Enzyme Technology and Bioprocess Development


IMTB 2019 - 5th International Conference on Implementation of Microreactor Technology in Biotechnology     19 - 22 May 2019, Cavtat, Croatia

This exciting conference, hosted in Dubrovnik area on the beautiful Adriatic coast, will cover the cross-section on microfluidics and biotechnology. Topics will comprise enzymatic microreactors, cultivation and analysis of cells using microfluidic devices, analytics within microflow, as well as chemo-enzymatic or multi-enzymatic cascades in flow, integration of bioprocesses with downstream processing, and modelling of bioreactions and separations in microfluidic devices.


RRB-15 Conference - International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries

Monday 3 June until Wednesday 5 June 2019, Toulouse, France

The 15th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries will take place in Toulouse, France, from Monday 3 June until Wednesday 5 June 2019. Based on the previous RRB conferences, this conference is expected to welcome about 350 international participants from over 30 countries. Delegates from university, industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and venture capital providers will present their views on industrial biotechnology, sustainable (green) chemistry and agricultural policy related to the use of renewable raw materials for non-food applications and energy supply. The conference further aims at providing an overview of the scientific, technical, economic, environmental and social issues of renewable resources and biorefineries in order to give an impetus to the biobased economy and to present new developments in this area.


BIOTRANS 2019   -    14th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Biotransformations (BioTrans 2019), 7-11 July 2019 in Groningen, The Netherlands

The BioTrans 2019 symposium will showcase recent advances in biocatalysis research, covering various cutting edge topics in the field, from reprogramming synthetic biology and redesign of natural enzymes to development of new (chemo)enzymatic cascades and novel classes of artificial enzymes . The symposium will include invited lectures from experimentalists and theoreticians, from both academia and industry. The invited speakers are all current or emerging leaders in their respective sub-fields, and bring together the interface between chemistry and biology. The combination of these speakers in one symposium provides an exceptional opportunity to bridge disciplines and engage in active discussion, while maintaining a strong link to both academic and industrial applications. Except for various lectures by invited experts in the field, the program will include oral presentations (selected based on submitted abstracts), poster pitch talks and posters. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the topic, we welcome high-quality abstracts from any area related to the topic of the symposium, including synthetic and evolutionary biology, genetics, biomolecular engineering, protein biochemistry, computational chemistry and synthetic (bio)organic chemistry.

The vibrancy of the field of biocatalysis and biotransformations will be highlighted in sessions on:

  • enzyme discovery and engineering
  • artificial enzymes and de-novo enzyme design
  • systems (bio)technology & synthetic biology
  • biocatalytic cascade reactions
  • chemoenzymatic synthesis strategies
  • industrial biocatalysis

This series of symposia has been initiated in 1993 in Graz, Austria, and since then evolved to a true European event organized biennially. The success of the previous BioTrans meetings held in various European countries is a confirmation of the growing significance and interest in biocatalysis and biotransformation. This conference will be the 14th in this series of meetings bridging biologists and chemists in academia and industry.

Novel Enzymes 2018


Biocatalysis is a Key Enabling Technology to address the multiple challenges lying ahead of us on the path towards a sustainable and energy-efficient economy. In order to shorten development timelines for innovative biocatalytic processes in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, Novel Enzymes are in strong demand to accelerate the translation of academic results into value creation.

The 6th international conference on Novel Enzymes aims to provide a forum for the presentation of the most exciting advances and new findings in our understanding of enzymes. The conference is a continuation of the conference series on Novel Enzymes, of which previous meetings were held in Ghent 2014, and in Groningen 2016.

The goal of the current conference is to provide an overview on recent developments and future perspectives on enzymology research. Emphasis will be given to discovery of new enzymes, engineering approaches (including novel assays), and newly developed enzyme applications. This conference is designed to create a stimulating atmosphere for sharing cross-disciplinary scientific results required for the development?of next-generation biocatalytic synthesis of valuable chemical products.

The 6th International Conference on Novel Enzymes will take place on 9-12 October 2018 in Darmstadt, Germany. Topics are the discovery, mechanisms, engineering and application of novel enzymes. For more detailed information please visit the conference website at 

European-Asian Symposium on Applied Biocatalysis 2018

2nd EFB-AFOB Joint Symposium on Applied Biocatalysis
1 July 2018, International Conference Center Geneva(CICG)
Geneva, Switzerland

Scientific Committee: Ikuro Abe, Japan; Yan Feng, China; Vladimir Kren, Czech Republic; Jennifer Littlechild, UK; Sung-Chyr Lin, Taiwan; Pierre Monsan, France; Teruyuki Nagamune, Japan; Makoto Nishiyama, Japan; Vladimir Popov, Russia; Roland Wohlgemuth, Switzerland 

Session I 

Location: Room 3 (level 0)

Chairs: Jennifer Littlechild, Makoto Nishiyama

Time Presentation Abstract/ref

12:30-12:50 Pierre Monsan, INRA Toulouse and TWB, France

Sweet Enzymes


12:50-13:05 Tim Börner, Nestle, Switzerland

Discovery and development of novel glucanotransferases for healthier foods


13:05-13:25 Yan Feng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Molecular evolution for biocatalysis and synthetic biology


13:25-13:40 Steven Hanlon, Roche, Switzerland

From lab to large scale – Industrial biocatalysis from an SIBC perspective

13:40-14:00 Ikuro Abe, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Structure-guided Engineering of Multifunctional Oxygenases in Complex Natural Products Biosynthesis

Session 2 

Location: Room 3 (level 0)

Chairs: Pierre Monsan, Yan Feng

Time Presentation Abstract/ref

14:30-14:50 Jennifer Littlechild, University of Exeter, UK

SAT2-1 Thermophilic enzymes for Synthetic Biology in vivo and in vitro cascades


14:50-15:05 Sung-Chyr Lin, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

The development of supports for protein purification and enzyme immobilization 

15:05-15:25 Francisc Peter, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania

Green Synthesis of biobased copolymers


15:25-15:40 Laurent Daviet, Firmenich SA , Switzerland

Biotechnology in the production and discovery of flavor and fragrance ingredients


15:40-16:00 Makoto Nishiyama, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Amino group carrier protein, a new platform in primary and secondary metabolite biosynthesis


European-Asian Workshop on Bioeconomy

EFB-AFOB Workshop on Bioeconomy, 2 July 2018

International Conference Center Geneva (CICG)

Geneva, Switzerland

Chairs:   Prof. Dr. Satyahari Dey, India and Prof. Dr. Roland Wohlgemuth, Switzerland


17.30- 17.55 Dr. Alfredo Aguilar, Chairman EFB Task Group Bioeconomy, Brussels, Belgium

Title: Bioeconomies: common objectives, different approaches

17.55 – 18.20 Prof. Dr. Satyahari Dey, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India

Title: Asian Bioeconomy

18.20 – 18.40 Dr. I-Ping Lin, Challenge Bioproducts Co. Ltd, Taiwan

Title: Challenges of Advanced Bio-Product Development in a SME

18.40 – 19.00  Prof. Dr. Tomasz Twardowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland

Title: Towards circular bioeconomy

ECB 2018

Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the EFB at ECB2018 on 1-4 July 2018 in Geneva.

The first European Congress of Biotechnology in Interlaken, Switzerland, in 1978 marked the inauguration of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB). In 2018, we are delighted to welcome you back to Switzerland to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the longest running biotechnology congress in Europe. Between Lake Geneva and surrounding mountains, ECB2018 will be held in the beautiful and vibrant city of Geneva.

EFB began as a rather small group of working parties from different European countries. Their interests ranged from fermentation technology to the public perception of biotechnology, applied microbiology and genetics, applied biocatalysis, downstream processing and measurement and control. Forty years later, EFB is now open to all who share our mission of promoting the safe, sustainable and ethical use of biological systems for the benefit of mankind. The current 30,000 personal members, who span the world from Latin America to China, Korea and Japan, is also a reflection of the success of recent EFB congresses.

Join us in Geneva in July 2018 to present your most recent work, discuss with your colleagues and celebrate. For more detailed information please visit the conference website at

ProtStab 2018

The 12th International Conference on Protein Stabilization (ProtStab2018) will be held on the 16-18th May 2018, in Vilnius (Lithuania) at the Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University. ProtStab2018 is organized by the Lithuanian Biotechnology Association (LBTA) and Vilnius University (VU) with the European Section of Applied Biocatalysis (ESAB) of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB). More details can be found at The conference will cover the topics of methologies to increase protein stability, medical aspects of protein stability, enzymes from extremophiles and enzyme stabilisation for industrial processes.

Conference venue: Life Sciences Center

For more information please visit the conference website at

2nd CCBIO Symposium on Industrial Biocatalysis, June 7th, 2018, Wädenswil

The 2nd CCBIO Symposium will feature cutting edge topics in the field of biocatalysis, from enzyme discovery, optimization and computational design, to bioprocess engineering strategies and successful biocatalytic examples from industry. The meeting will again provide a platform for scientific knowledge transfer and dialog for participants from industry and academia in this expanding field and give an update about the current activities of the Competence Center for Biocatalysis (CCBIO).


4th Multistep Enzyme Catalyzed Processes Congress (MECP18) on 19-22 March 2018 in Trondheim, Norway

Nobel Laureate Distinguished Professor Arieh Warshel will give the opening lecture of the conference. Exciting  lectures on the state of the art will be presented on Bioinformatics and Modelling, Systems Biocatalysis, Interfacing Chemical and Enzymatic Steps, Retrosynthesis, Novel Biosynthetic Pathways, Cell-free versus Whole Cell Systems, Process Intensification and Scaling and Industrial Applications.

For more detailed information please visit the conference website at


16th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB16) 13-16 July 2014 Edinburgh, Scotland The European Congress on Biotechnology is the leading conference for academic and industrial biotechnologists in Europe organised by the European Federation of Biotechnology. The 16th bi-annual event will take place in the beautiful and historic city of Edinburgh, Scotland. The scientific programme is being designed to cover a multitude of sections of biotechnology, including environmental and green biotechnology, microbial physiology, microbial synthetic and systems biology, applied biocatalysis, including industrial systems and synthetic biology, industrial biotechnology, biochemical engineering and medical biotechnology.


European Symposium on Biopolymers - ESBP2013 in Lisbon, Portugal, on the 7-9 of October, 2013 ESBP is the most important European conference on biopolymers, an area where the significant R&D investment made in recent years is leading to significant advances in new products and applications, contributing substantially towards the sustainability of the polymer industry. This event, supported by the European Federation of Biotechnology, will bring together scientists, researchers and national and international industrial professionals to present and discuss the most recent advances in the area of biopolymers, as well as the main challenges and opportunities on-going within the industry.